Magical Chubritsa
Give your favorite food a Bulgarian twist!

Save the word Savory or Chubritsa into your culinary vocabulary
In Bulgaria we have a little secret with great magical powers. The magic word sounds like – Chubritsa or Savory in English. Queen of the spices on the Bulgarian table, it gives a unique taste of many dishes. And we put it in almost any traditional Bulgarian dish – in beans soup, in sarmas or peppers stuffed with rice, in the meat potatoes stew and moussaka or just on a loaf of bread greased with some oil and a pinch of salt.

Just sprinkle on your favorite food and enjoy!
One popular and extremely tasty combination of spices is “sharena sol” translated as colourful salt. Blends may contain salt, paprika, dried herbs (savory, thyme, basil, lovage) and often also either desiccated garlic, samardala and fenugreek. The most popular though is just salt, paprika and chubritsa. You store the mix as any other spices but we advise you to put the jar somewhere really close, as you will definitely use it every day, it is so delicious. It can be used on toasted breads, meats, cheeses, sandwiches, pizzas, soups, rice dishes, potatoes and more. Just sprinkle on your favorite food and enjoy!

Give your favorite food a Bulgarian twist!
Grown in the warm Bulgarian climate, savory develops a most pleasant aroma reminiscent of thyme. You can add it to any recipe that calls for oregano. It is not a coincidence that savory in English means tasty.
But flavor is not the only advantage of chubritsa, it also helps in a number of illnesses – reduces bad cholesterol and high blood pressure, works for colds and flu and helps for healthy kidneys. Savory is also known to stimulate the activity of the stomach and intestines, so it is very suitable for seasonings that are hard to digest such as legumes – beans, lentils, peas, etc. Many reasons to include it in the menu!

Try these recipes: Bulgarian beans soup, Moussaka, Luchnik, Papuda, Kapama, Vine sarmas.