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Adjust Servings:
200 g Butter
250 g Sugar
185 g Milk
6 tbs Cocoa
4 Eggs
4 tbs Flour
0.5 tsp Baking powder
125 g Walnuts
6 tbs Sugar

Chocolate petit fours


  • Vegetarian

When all your sweet dreams get covered with chocolate

  • 60 min
  • Serves 10
  • Medium



Many things in life can be improved just by adding chocolate and butter. Discover the other ingredients and how-to prepare for the big applause at the end of the evening. Chocolate petit fours – Soo Tasty with Soo Foodies!

  • Don’t forget to cool off the mixture before adding the yolks
  • It is important to add the white eggs snow last so the mixture will be light but fluffy
  • When you whisk the whites, be careful about water drops in the bow
  • You may pre-heat the oven
  • Serve it alone or combined with ice cream or some fresh fruits



On a slow fire melt together the butter, 250 g sugar, the milk and the cocoa until it thickens. When it is ready separate ¼ of the mixture for topping and leave the rest to cool off.


Make an egg whites snow by mixing the egg whites and 6 tbs sugar. In the already cooled mixture add the yolks one by one and stir all the time. Add the flour, the baking powder and the ground /or chopped/ walnuts. Add the egg whites snow at last.


Spread some butter all over the tin and sprinkle some flour on it or use baking paper. Spill the mixture in the tin. Bake it for 20-25 minutes on 200 C. When the dessert cooled off spread the previously separated topping. Cut it into small parts.

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